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Video: DPS Phantom Permanent Base Glide Treatment for Skis and Snowboards
Never wax your skis again!
Next Adventure is now carrying DPS Phantom. DPS Phantom is a permanent, one-time application polymer base-coating that forever eliminates the need for waxing skis and snowboards. The bonding process involves UV light curing and can be performed at home by you or professionally in our tune shop.
Next Adventure is excited to carry the game changer in wax technology. DPS Phantom 2.0.
Waxing is important for all skis and boards. Wax provides speed and glide while keeping the based from drying out and getting damaged. In the past, wax has been a topical surface level application that would slowly get removed while riding. Applying wax would need to be done multiple times in a season or even before every ski trip.
As important as waxing is, it is time-consuming, messy, and even toxic to your health and the environment. DPS Phantom 2.0 is a new technology that permanently eliminates these problems. This is a professional wax with a one-time application. It attaches deep in your base at a molecular level, chemically bonded under UV light, providing a stronger base and a consistent superior speed in all temperatures, on all snow conditions, while never needing to reapply. Without way shavings making a mess at home or leaving wax residue on the hills.
Phantom 2.0 can be applied at home under direct sunlight or bring it into Next Adventure’s Tune Shop. We are an authorized Phantom installer and we can give you a professional Phantom application.
DPS Phantom 2.0. Every run, every day, for the life of your gear. Don’t get left behind.