Camping & Hiking Gear
Next Adventure is your complete source for hiking & camping gear. From staples like tents, backpacks, sleeping bags, sleeping pads, and stoves, down to accessories like stuff sacks, cookware, trekking poles, and headlamps, you'll find everything you need for any adventure. Whether it's your first time car camping or you're a seasoned backpacker, we have the right gear for any budget.
Backpacking tents, family tents, bivy sacks, tarps, everything inbetween
Sleeping Bags
Synthetic sleeping bags, down sleeping bags, rectangular bags, & liners
Sleeping Pads
Self inflating pads, foam pads, inflatable pads, & pillows
Day packs, multi-day packs, lumbar packs, & kid carriers
Eating & Cookware
Cooksets, pots, kettles, utensils, and kitchen accessories
Backpacking , two-burner, liquid fuel , & alcohol stoves
Hammocks, tarps, hammock tents, stands, & acc
Camp Furniture
Camp chairs, cots, tables, & tripod stools
Water bottles, water filters, purifiers, bladders, & flasks
Headlamps, flashlights, lanterns, & candles
Trekking Poles
Trekking poles, walking sticks, parts, & acc
First Aid & Safety
First aid kits, survival kits, body care, sun & bug protection
Stuff Sacks
Stuff Sacks big and small & compression sacks
Knives & Tools
Knives, multitools, saws, hatchets, & machetes
Compasses, gps, & map tools